Stop Ragging!

Newly Admitted Students

Each student now MUST file an ONLINE Anti-Ragging Affidavit directive received from the UGC (through Office of the Honourable Vice Chancellor, GU). This process DOES NOT involve any money, NO signature form Notary Public / Oath Commissioner etc, and NO need to scan any documents.

This process involves the following procedure:

For more information, you can logon to the above websites or call the Anti-ragging Helpline at - 1-800-180-5522 or email to

More About Ragging

Ragging is a crime

Ragging is a serious offence. Actions against persons who are resorting to ragging are

Gauhati University is committed towards preventing the menace of ragging. So, we encourage our students to report about ragging activities immediately. The identities of the victims (and informers) will NOT be disclosed.

What is ragging?

Any kind of forceful act can be a ragging problem - be it physical, verbal, or mental. If you are being verbally abused, physically or mentally tortured, forcefully made to do things which hurt your self-respect, pride, and dignity then you are a victim of ragging. Report to us immediately. 

Anti-Ragging Committee